
Welcome to My Poetry Blog

  • Welome to The Shadows!

    I’d like to welcome you to my little corner of the internet. However you found this site, I hope you’ll find something you enjoy reading.

    A little about me, I’m a 23 year old Eagle Scout living in Arizona and attending school for Information Technology. Some of my hobbies include going bowling with friends, playing games with a group on discord, and writing poetry such as what you’ll find here. As I started getting more into writing I thought I would look into posting my work online. At first I posted my poems in an app, but I wanted something a little more custom.

    I decided to start using a service called wordpress as their blogging tools allowed me to lay the framework for what has now become Shadows Poetry Corner. I hosted my site on wordpress. Eventually I bought my own domain name to redirect the old wordpress domain before finally rehosting with the wordpress framework in my own custom host.

    As you can see, this site has gone through several iterations, and is still continuously evolving. Now I’m sure your asking, “Does this story have a point?” Well, as a matter of fact it does. Just like this site has grown and evolved over time, so have I. I first got into writing in my 10th grade English class. Back then I suffered from depression, anxiety, and never knew how to control it. When my English class got to the poetry unit, we were told to write a poem given an object. I was given a seashell, and with that, I wrote my very first poem. (You can read that poem here.) I found that writing poetry really helped me control my feelings.

    As time went on, I no longer needed poetry to help me cope, but it became a way to tell my story. As such, every poem on this site tells a part of my story. Every poem is the journey to where I am. Its a story of love and loss. Its a trail of tears and heartbreak. It has its ups, and its downs. There are gaps when I didn’t know what I was feeling, and there are poems in my collection I have not shared. This blog is my portfolio, but most importantly, its who I am.

    When I first started college, I took a basic web development class. One of the assignments was to create a blog for which I chose to write about my college experience. A lot of that time is not documented in poetry, but it is where i picked up a montra that you will find common accross this site. It is alse where my dark theme comes from as it not only shows my beginnings in a dark time, but it allows my works to be a light in comparison. And that really is my goal. I share my story to show those around me that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Its my way of being the light in the shadows. I hope you’ll join me on my journey. It is with love I say to you, “Stay dark, stay spooky, stay in school, and I hope to see you around, In The Shadows.”

    Ps. If you have something you want to get off your chest, don’t hesitate to fill out the contact form or email me at [email protected]. Anything you share with me will remain completely confidential.

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